The Pitch

Whether you’re a local brewery, a local pub, or a craft beer lover interested in getting an awesome deal on Chicago beer, I am 100% confident this deal is so good it sells itself. A no-brainer.

For Breweries & Pubs

I have three BIG questions to ask you:

  • What is the value of a new customer?
  • How much do you have to spend to to get a new customer?
  • Do you want more customers?

What is the value of a new customer? Today, if one more person walked in your doors or picked up your beer – who otherwise wouldn’t have – what is that worth to you? And every time someone new tries you out, how good is their experience? How many of them keep coming back? By getting one more person to patronize your business, what is their lifetime value to your business on average?

If you are a small business owner, I am sure this is something you have thought about a lot. It is difficult to put a number on this, but when it comes to analyzing marketing strategies this is exactly what we have to do. Business survival often depends on it.

How much do you have to spend to get a new customer? Have you ever done any marketing efforts in the past? Have you spent money to bring in new business or new customers? What was your most effective marketing efforts? What yielded the best results for the lowest amount spent?

This is the other part of the “formula” that we consider when looking at marketing strategies.  If you can spend $1 to bring in a customer that is worth $5 to you, then you have yourself a winning marketing plan. Right?

Do you want more customers?


The Chicago Beer Journal:
A Pathway to New Customers & More!

First, I have to be upfront with you: There are only 12 spots available for breweries and 12 spots available for pubs. So space is limited. And I’m probably massively under-pricing these spots, so they are probably going to go quickly. You’ve been warned.

When you become an “Of The Month” sponsor in The Chicago Beer Journal, you get a full page in the book featuring your pub or brewery. And why would people bother to come into your establishment just because you have a full page in the book?

Two solid reasons why this will generate more business:

  • Your feature will include an offer for an exclusive deal that people only get once they have purchased a set amount of of beers or spent a set amount of $$ with you.
  • During the month you sponsor, Barrel Aged Books will do a drawing for a fabulous, high value beer related mystery prize and people can ONLY enter the drawing by posting and tagging a picture of themselves on social media in your establishment with The Chicago Beer Journal. Everyone will get one entry for posting on Facebook, one for posting on Twitter, and one for posting on Instragram, for a total of three entries per person.

That’s right. Being an “Of The Month” sponsor will not only bring you new customers, but they will also advertise for you!

Now, imagine there are 1,000 of these books in the hands of craft beer lovers throughout Chicagoland. Now, imagine 5,000 of these books floating around. How much additional business, how much free promotion do you think this will generate for you?

The Chicago Beer Journal:
Best Bang for Your Buck

If you are a pub, becoming an “Of The Month” sponsor will only cost you $0.50 per book. If you are a brewery, sponsorship is only $0.25 per book (and gets you an additional tasting page + premium placement in the book’s list of breweries).

Let’s imagine that only half the notebooks actually “work.” Maybe the notebook owner didn’t feel like taking advantage of the special deals or the raffle. Maybe she would have gone to your establishment anyway. Also, let’s assume that for breweries, for some strange reason, only 1/4 of the books “work.” This is probably a pretty low estimate of effectiveness, but let’s play it safe.

Also, let’s ignore the fact that a certain number of the people who visit your establishment with their notebook will probably bring someone with them. And let’s assume that you get zero benefit from all the free advertising from all the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts people make while entering the monthly raffle.

With even those extremely conservative estimates, you’re looking at paying $1 for a new customer. So I guess my question is:

Is $1 worth it for you to bring in one new customer?

Yes it is! So take action now.

If you are a brewery and you haven’t already submitted your information and your two beers that will be included in The Chicago Beer Journal for free, then please go here and submit your information. When you do, if you want more information about sponsorship click the appropriate check box and we will send that along to you.

Whether you represent a pub or a brewery, another way you can take action is to sign up for our email newsletter and select the SPONSOR check-box so that we know to send you specific information about how to become a sponsor. To make things super easy on you, I have added the sign up form to the bottom of this blog post.

Finally, if you really are chomping at the bit to become a sponsor – and you don’t want to take the risk of being left out – then contact us directly with our contact form. We will follow up with you and get you all set up.

For Craft Beer Lovers

My first thought when “Of The Month” sponsorship originally came up as an idea was that no one wants to walk around with the Yellow Pages in their pocket. So the real puzzle I had to solve was how I could offer the games, contests, rewards, and the raffle, in a fun way that created value for buyers of The Chicago Beer Journal at every step of the way.

I dealt with this in two days:

  • I am limiting sponsorship to one sponsor per month.
  • I am requiring sponsors to offer an exclusive deal for you.
  • I am limiting how many books are produced per year.

That’s right – there are only a limited number of books being made available. This will keep the raffle odds high, increasing the value of each entry. So get one while you can! This is a hot, limited commodity!

Once you add up all the exclusive deals and the value of the raffle, all of a sudden the notebook more than pays for itself.

So basically, if you like craft beer, you plan on going out at least one a month to have a beer, and you like to try new things, then you are getting a free tasting notebook. Does that sound like something you want?

Yes it does! So take action now.

We have a Kickstarter campaign coming up soon (where the book will be available at a deep discount)! And the notebook is scheduled to be available for sale online and in stores throughout Chicago by this May. So sign-up to get updates about when our Kickstarter launches and when and where the notebook will be available after the campaign. There will be a limited number of books made, so don’t miss out!

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Coming Up Next: Exciting New Developments – Just when we didn’t think things could get any better… they did!

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