If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “You can’t make a living selling beer tasting notebooks,” then let me tell you, I have some news for you: You’re right! Actually, there is oh so much more to Barrel Aged Books than just that. Read More

– your eyes will taste the difference –
If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “You can’t make a living selling beer tasting notebooks,” then let me tell you, I have some news for you: You’re right! Actually, there is oh so much more to Barrel Aged Books than just that. Read More
Creativity is all about working within constraints. Although the creative process never ends, once all the initial limitations are dealt with, you get the answer to two very important questions: How much will this thing have to sell for? And will people pay it?
So, now we have great idea – to publish The Ultimate Beer Journal. On top of that, we have this even greater idea, The Chicago Beer Journal. Here is where things started to get complicated. Read More
Welcome to our story.
In a similar fashion to the Startup podcast, we would like to share the story of our humble beginnings ever step of the way.
Our story begins about five years ago when my friend and I started to get serious about tasting craft beer. Read More